The time has come...the facts are belongs to them...let's get it back! ~Midnight Oil
For me, the "THEM" in this case is the administration. It seems the school year starts and I'm revved and ready to go, only to be paused or stopped by administration and bureaucracy that leads the school and district. I want to get the MEAP (Michigan's state assessment) up and reviewing, but I have no supplies, materials, or access to computers from my classroom. I have to create everything myself, but cannot print since the ONLY networked printer with toner is not available through my computer port! Tech support might make it in by Wednesday, but no sense holding my breath on that one...I routed it in through the data URL with port license number and call, but I do not have permission to do this, so I was denied! The laptop cart is under the "Guardian of the Keys" (aka, the principal in his own words!) and it is not on his priority list to get them up and running, and he won't allow me to help or do it. Hell, I cannot even laminate a poster, he does that too! And, all this with 33 active, non-stop talking, sponges at my charge. Calgon...take me away!!!!