One would hope to discover the university website is indestructible! I have seen this to be false hope. Today, somewhere in the middle of driving home from the work computer, to using the home computer 2 hours later, a virus infected my classroom, and university server. Needing to finish the last bits of reading online, accessible through the classroom portal only, before adding my final thought to the directed assigned posting for the first week of class, I was horrified to find the impenetrable website ad on my dashboard!
I tried relentlessly for an hour to break through, but when that proved unmovable, I called on tech support. I was then informed of the information stated above and given a possible period for reload of the site, which is still proving to be inaccurate information. Well, these things take time, I understand. I am happy to report I could and did send word to my instructor of the problems I encountered and am pleased to report she replied back immediately with a satisfactory response to our action plan.
Now, if I could just access some of the wonderful educational blogs I have been discovering along my journey while at my work computer in the schools, I would be all set! Happy firewalls to all!
So, it is fixed and I am moving forward...slowly. I wish I knew more about finding blogs! I have been looking on some sites and just discovered I can bookmark on Facebook rather than just my desktop. Looking into the social bookmarking now!
ReplyDeleteI too experienced this distressing problem with our e-classroom, but was immediately comforted by my classmates' commiserations on the class Q&A page.
ReplyDeleteWhat I have discovered about looking for blogs is that I don't really have to. So often, when I just do a regular inquiry on Google about a teaching question, I find that I am directed to a teacher's blog.
But if you are looking for a great list of blogs rated by the number of others who have linked to them, is a great resource.
hey Marie, Dug knows his stuff
ReplyDeleteTechnorati is good, love it. its techy as the name suggests.
ive been using Digg for a long time too.
from i discovered and a few other ed blogs.